Course Content
Basics of Indian Polity
Basics of Indian Polity
Making of the Constitution
Salient Features of Indian Constitution
Types of Constitution
Sources of Constitution
Basic Structure of Constitution
Union & Its Territories
Fundamental Rights
Directive Principles of State Policy
Fundamental Duties
Comparison of Indian Constitution
Parliamentary vs Presidential System
Indian Federation
Centre State Relations
Inter State Relations
Emergency Provisions
(GS-II) Indian Polity & Constitution
For seeking cooperation of Indians in administration, Indian Councils Act of 1861, 1892, 1909 formed.

Indian Council Act of 1861

  1. Begin associating Indians with law making process
  2. Viceroy to nominate Indians as non-officials members of his expanded council.
  3. Initiated decentralisation by restoring legislative powers of Madras & Bombay Presidencies. 
  4. Provided establishment of new legislative councils for Bengal, NWFP, Punjab
  5. Empowered Viceroy to make rules & orders for convenient business in council.
  6. Empowered Viceroy to issue ordinaces (life 6 months) w/o legislative council concurrence during emergency.
  7. Recognised Portfolio System introduce by Lord Canning in which member of Viceroy’s council was made in-charge of one or more departments & was authorized to issue final orders on behalf of council. It laid foundation of Cabinet Govt.
  8. Non officials representatives in legislative bodies accepted. Laws to be made after due deliberation.
  9. Legislative councils established possessed no real powers, could not discuss important matters, no financial matters, no control over budget, cannot discuss executive action. Final passing of bill needed Viceroy approval. Secretary of State could disallow legislation.
  10. Introduced financial decentralisation.
  11. Fifth member, Jurist added to Viceroy’s Executive Council.
  12. For legislative purposes, Viceroy could add 6 – 12 additional members of whom half had to be non-officials, either Indian or English.
  13. Legislative Council function was just to endorse official measures and give them appearance of having passed by legislative body. 
  14. Presidencies of Bombay, Madras, Calcutta were administrated by Governor & his executive council of three appointed by Crown. Other provinces were administrated by Lt. Governors and Chief Commissioners appointed by GG.




#1. What was the purpose of the Indian Council Act 1861?

#2. Who was responsible for nominating Indians as non-official members of the expanded council under the Indian Council Act 1861?

#3. What did the Indian Council Act 1861 initiate by restoring legislative powers of Madras & Bombay Presidencies?

#4. Which regions were provided with new legislative councils by the Indian Council Act 1861?

#5. What power was granted to the Viceroy for council business under the Indian Council Act 1861?

#6. What emergency power did the Indian Council Act 1861 grant the Viceroy?

#7. Which system recognized by the Indian Council Act 1861 was introduced by Lord Canning?

#8. What was the Portfolio System's purpose recognized by the Indian Council Act 1861?

#9. How were laws to be made under the Indian Council Act 1861?

#10. What limitations were placed on the legislative councils established by the Indian Council Act 1861?

#11. Whose approval was needed for the final passing of a bill under the Indian Council Act 1861?

#12. Who had the power to disallow legislation under the Indian Council Act 1861?

#13. What type of decentralisation was introduced by the Indian Council Act 1861?

#14. What new position was added to the Viceroy’s Executive Council by the Indian Council Act 1861?

#15. How many additional members could the Viceroy add for legislative purposes under the Indian Council Act 1861?

#16. What proportion of the additional legislative members had to be non-officials under the Indian Council Act 1861?

#17. What was the primary function of the Legislative Council established by the Indian Council Act 1861?

#18. How were the Presidencies of Bombay, Madras, and Calcutta administered under the Indian Council Act 1861?

#19. Who administered other provinces that were not presidencies under the Indian Council Act 1861?
