Course Content
Basics of Indian Polity
Basics of Indian Polity
Making of the Constitution
Salient Features of Indian Constitution
Types of Constitution
Sources of Constitution
Basic Structure of Constitution
Union & Its Territories
Fundamental Rights
Directive Principles of State Policy
Fundamental Duties
Comparison of Indian Constitution
Parliamentary vs Presidential System
Indian Federation
Centre State Relations
Inter State Relations
Emergency Provisions
(GS-II) Indian Polity & Constitution

Communal Award

In Aug 1932, Ramsay MacDonald, British PM, announced scheme of representation of minorities known as Communal Award. Along with continuing existing separate electorates, it extended it to depressed classes (SC). Gandhi opposed it & undertook fast unto death in Yeravada Jail (Poona). Agreement called Poona Pact gave only reserved seats not separate electorates to SC.

Government of India Act of 1935

  1. Provided establishment of All India Federation consisting of Governor’s provinces, Chief Commissioner’s Provinces & princely states (Indian States). Ruler of each Princely State willing to join was to join Instrument of Accession surrendering to federal government.
  2. Divided powers b/w Centre & provinces in 3 lists- Federal, Provincial & Concurrent (for both). Residual powers given to Viceroy. 
  3. Federation never created as Princely states did not join. Central govt continued to be governed with 1919 Act.
  4. Abolished dyarchy in provinces & introduced provincial autonomy in administration. Full responsible government established in provinces. Provinces were given independent financial powers & resources like borrowing on their own security. Dyarchy provided in federal executive.
  5. Introduced responsible govt. in provinces as governor was required to act with advice of ministers responsible to provincial legislature. Discontinued in 1939.
  6. Provided adoption of dyarchy at Centre. Federal subject divided into Reserved & Transferred subjects. This provision not implemented.
  7. Introduced bicameralism in 6 (Bihar, Assam, Bengal, Bombay, Madras, United provinces) out of 11 provinces. 
  8. Provided separate electorates for SC (depressed classes), women, labour (workers)
  9. Abolished Council of India established by GoI Act, 1858.
  10. Secretary of State forI ndia provided with team of advisors.
  11. Provided establishment of Reserve Bank of India
  12. Provided establishment of Federal Court established in 1937 with original and appellate power to interpret 1935 Act and settle Inter-State disputes. Privy Council in London dominated this court.
  13. Provided establishment of Federal, Provincial & Joint Public Service Commission.
  14. Federal Legislature to be bicameral – Council of States (Upper House- Permanent Body) & Federal Legislative Assembly.
  15. Provision for joint sitting in case of deadlock.
  16. GG could veto bill. Act assented by GG could be vetoed by King-In-Council.
  17. Indian Council of Secretary of State abolished.
  18. Right of Amendment reserved for British Parliament.
  19. Act rejected by Congress. Congress demanded Constituent Assembly elected on adult franchise to frame Constitution.
