Course Content
Basics of Indian Polity
Basics of Indian Polity
Making of the Constitution
Salient Features of Indian Constitution
Types of Constitution
Sources of Constitution
Basic Structure of Constitution
Union & Its Territories
Fundamental Rights
Directive Principles of State Policy
Fundamental Duties
Comparison of Indian Constitution
Parliamentary vs Presidential System
Indian Federation
Centre State Relations
Inter State Relations
Emergency Provisions
(GS-II) Indian Polity & Constitution
On August 1917, British declared first time its objective of Introduction of responsible govt. in India

Government of India Act of 1919

  1. also called Montague (Secretary of State)-Chelmsford (Viceroy) Reforms
  2. separated Central & Provincial subjects as well as budgets.
  3. Central & Provincial legislatures authorized to make laws on their subjects
  4. Divided provincial subjects into transferred & reserved. Transfered administered by Governor with aid of ministers responsible to legislative council. Reserved administered by Governor & his executive Council w/o responsibility to LC. This dual scheme was called Dyarchy.
  5. Introduced first time, bicameralism & direct elections. 
  6. Indian legislative council replaced by Upper House (Council of State) & Lower House (Legislative Assembly). Majority of their members chosen by direct election. 
  7. 3 of 6 members of Viceroy Executive Council to be Indian
  8. Separate electorate for Sikh, Indian Christians, Anglo-Indians & Europeans besides Muslims.
  9. Granted franchise to limited based on property, tax, or education.
  10. Created new office of High Commissioner for India in London and gave some Secretary of State’s functions like looking after India trade in Europe.
  11. provided establishment of public service commission.
  12. Authorised provincial legislatures to enact their budgets.
  13. Provided appointment of statutory commission (Simon Commission) to inquire into & report on Act’s working.
  14. British in Aug, 1917 declared for first time to gradually introduce responsible government.
  15. Secretary of State to be paid by British exchequer.
  16. GG given power to secure enactment of laws essential for safety, tranquility, interests of British India.
  17. No fulfilment of responsible government.

