Course Content
Basics of Indian Polity
Basics of Indian Polity
Making of the Constitution
Salient Features of Indian Constitution
Types of Constitution
Sources of Constitution
Basic Structure of Constitution
Union & Its Territories
Fundamental Rights
Directive Principles of State Policy
Fundamental Duties
Comparison of Indian Constitution
Parliamentary vs Presidential System
Indian Federation
Centre State Relations
Inter State Relations
Emergency Provisions
(GS-II) Indian Polity & Constitution
  1. Known as Act for Good Government of India.
  2. Abolished EIC & transferred power, revenues, territories to British Crown
  3. India to be governed in name of Her Majesty
  4. Designation of GG of India changed to Viceroy of India who was direct representative of British Crown. Assisted by Executive Council whose members were heads of departments.
  5. Lord Canning – first Viceroy
  6. Ended Double Govt by abolishing Court of Directors & Board of Controls introduced in Pitt’s India Act
  7. Created new office Secretary of State for India with complete authority & control over Indian administration. To be member of British cabinet, responsible to British Parliament
  8. Established 15 member Council of India (advisory body) to assist Secretary of State (Chariman).
  9. Established Secretary of State-in-Council as body corporate, capable of suing & sued in India, England.
  10. Did not alter system of govt that prevailed in India just improved administrative machinery.




#1. What is another name for the Government of India Act 1858?

#2. What significant change did the Government of India Act 1858 introduce regarding the East India Company?

#3. To whom were the powers, revenues, and territories of India transferred under the Government of India Act 1858?

#4. In whose name was India to be governed according to the Government of India Act 1858?

#5. What was the new designation of the Governor-General of India under the Government of India Act 1858?

#6. Who was the first Viceroy of India?

#7. Who assisted the Viceroy of India according to the Government of India Act 1858?

#8. Which system of government ended with the abolition of the Court of Directors and Board of Controls?

#9. What new office was created by the Government of India Act 1858?

#10. What authority and control did the Secretary of State for India have?

#11. To whom was the Secretary of State for India responsible?

#12. What advisory body was established to assist the Secretary of State for India?

#13. Who was the chairman of the Council of India?

#14. What legal status was given to the Secretary of State-in-Council?

#15. What was the main improvement brought by the Government of India Act 1858?
